a new for the new year's.
A semicolon introductory story.
New girl; big school; fatherly hug; kiss goodbye; school gates; strange glances; judgmental stares; principal's office; warm welcome; front of class; new student introduction; prim teacher; unfriendly girls; hormone-pumped boys; boring books; lunch bell; unappealing food; filled tables; go outside; munch alone; lonely yard; bare trees; emerging figure; solitary boy; exchange glances; curious smile; warm handshake; introduces self.
That's how Charlie and I met.
Locker conversations; lunch buddy; study dates; MSN chat; text alert; gather courage; asked out; nervous wreck; primps self; new dress; sweaty palms; 7 'o clock; dashing boy; gelled hair; fancy dinner; small talk; nervous smile; clinking silverware; charming manners; streetlight stroll; goodnight peck; sleepless night.
That was our first date.
boekbinder sisters.

Born on a bitter winter night
their mother screamed at the sight.
the doctor yelled "It isn't right!"
He left them alone in fright
for hours.
The sisters lay there,
one was rosy and one was fair
the only thing that they shared
is that they were connected
by the ends of their long red hair.
As they grew older their mother grew to love them
she couldn't bear to cut their hair
as it grew longer they grew apart
what only they knew is that they shared one heart
their blood flowed through their long red hair
they never thought to cut it, they wouldn't dare.
The sisters lived there
each loved the things
the other couldn't bear
the only thing that they shared
is that they were connected
by the ends of their long red hair.
One day the fair skinned sister met a man
while the rosy sister was at a news stand
they fell in love at first start
soon they were married and on their wedding night
The sisters lay there
one loved the man but the other didn't care
the only thing that they shared
is that they were connected by the ends of their long red hair
The man began to kiss his wife
he intended to perform the marriage right
but the rosy sister was still in sight
from far across the room their hair pulled tight
The man could not perform so he left her room
but he returned, very soon
he pulled out the scissors he pinched from the kitchen
and cut their hair down the middle
The sisters lay there
blood, poured from the ends of their hair
Now they both looked fair
In fact 'was the only thing that they shared
Except that they both had white hair
From one to another.
I like reading blogs because I know there are other people out there who find it easier to express themselves with a different medium, that is, through words. I admire and enjoy reading your works when you talk about just almost anything, and you have the talent to make the dull and mundane subjects sound highly intriguing and delightful. How you may string and construct your thoughts using bombastic and grandiloquent words or maybe simple, plain Jane ones shows your personality, the inner one that differs significantly from the one you carry when you are around your peers. I like how you talk about the world and your observations, about people you love; things you despise. Of course, I do admire the skill and perfection you put into your writings, so that they may express your thoughts and musings as accurately as possible. It is a highly sought after and admired skill, my dear writer. Don't you ever give up on that.
slowly shrinking to nothing

I hate the fact that I'm hungry and can't eat
that delicious waffle and ice cream
or the disgusting pile of hamburgers
because I want to be beautiful and skinny
and all the other things that society wants me to be
just so they will love me and not pick on me
and call me fat or ugly and point out my flaws.
My oh-so-obvious flaws and imperfections
that just cry out for attention.
For cruel, cruel attention.
You may laugh at the big girl who sits by the corner
eating her bacon and cheese sandwich
while you nibble on your 90 calorie bar.
But at least she's not the one starving herself
just so she can fit into a size 0 dress.
Honestly, I just hate the fact that I care sometimes.
a recording and a musing.

Last I talked to you, it was Nov 20.
Oh how the time flies, does it not?
Or maybe it's due to the fact I feel less than inspired to write,
both here and in my novel.
My almost finished, so close but yet so far written sentiment.
To put it simply, I find it better to put my thoughts to words
after reading a thoughtful musing, or maybe coming across
a photo that speaks so much by using only so little.
There's an art to it, a skill, perhaps
by communicating using different means other than words.
However, not all have mastered this useful skill
and some of us are left to express ourselves in a way which we only know best.
I digress.
To be honest, I don't really have much to say.
Not a topic to talk about, nor a lovely (in my opinion) story to share to you.
I just had an itch in my fingers that had to be relieved.
An itch to run them across the keyboard like I would on the piano.
Ah, the piano, how I wish I had the patience to master the works of the fine composers,
of whom, please rest in peace.
A recording of the time so far:
I've read a delightful novel based on the works of Austen,
this one by a lass named Alexandra Potter.
I'm in the midst of completing yet another Nancy Drew game
and trying to find more productive ways to spend my time.
I have been bombarded with constant questions about my pending future after high school.
And yes, I do tell you something about graphic design
and drop a few hints of uncertainty.
But to be honest, I'm pretty much uncertain.
I really don't know what life brings forth to me- excuse the cliche- but really, I don't.
And while I leave my mind to wander, I welcome any helpful suggestions.
Because, no, sometimes I don't think it's fun to not know.
Christmas is how many? weeks away and I've still not done the necessities yet.
I want Christmas treats and all the lovely, warm feeling that this
bitter and frosty weather brings.
But we don't always get what we want, now do we?
I bid you adieu, and a sincere apology if I had wasted your time.
Excerpt from Pigwidgeon's, because I think it complements my blog.
i like to write about things i don't understand, like love and loss. i like writing about gay people. i like writing about straight people. i like writing in the perspective of boys, and i like writing in the perspective of girls. i like writing in multiple perspectives.
i like to write soft-spoken, gentle characters but sometimes i foray into the minds of the rowdy. after a while, though, it stops mattering because the lines begin to blur and suddenly all my characters sound the same.
i like to use dependent clauses, and adverbs after synonyms of 'said'. i like to use ellipses. i like to ramble and contradict myself all in one paragraph.
i like writing. and i hope that i'm slowly making progress.
i like to write soft-spoken, gentle characters but sometimes i foray into the minds of the rowdy. after a while, though, it stops mattering because the lines begin to blur and suddenly all my characters sound the same.
i like to use dependent clauses, and adverbs after synonyms of 'said'. i like to use ellipses. i like to ramble and contradict myself all in one paragraph.
i like writing. and i hope that i'm slowly making progress.
I have deep respect for one who writes well.
Be it par or better than he/she speaks,
a person with a good command of words will always stop me in my steps.
Like the quiet and socially awkward girl who hangs in the background,
she will amaze you with her rants and cries she posts onto the virtual world.
Her words, oh her words and how she strings them along to make this
beautiful and yet captivating piece of jewellery to adorn the literary world.
Nothing is more satisfying than producing a nice piece of writing where I have successfully,
in my own words, articulated myself.
I shall leave you with that and this question to ponder:
"How does one feel in love, but yet not have anyone to love?"
welcome the winter

Bare limbs, she said.
It makes her sound vulnerable and cold,
like the way the breeze blows in and welcomes the Autumn months to come.
It's cold, darling, I'd admit.
It's freezing.
The painful freezing where you can see your breath at every word
and feel the prickling coolness at the tip of your nose.
The kind that makes you wish for the warm crackle of the fire
and the delicious smell of pie wafting from the oven.
Cold, oh, so cold.
Both in personality and weather.
Beloved, I'd stay here and keep your hands warm...
But for now, I must depart.
Farewell, I bid you, my dear.
Please, fare well.
Sunday blues and some phlegm in between.

“I like people with depth, I like people with emotion, I like people with a strong mind, an interesting mind, a twisted mind, and also someone that can make me smile.”
— | Abbey Lee Kershaw |
I am supposed to be writing my novel, but yet here I am blogging to the existence of the virtual world. Hello, world out there!
Things I've collected the past weeks:
- Interesting names (of one after a cold season; another of a girl from Charles Dickens' novel)
- Strange thoughts
- Face art tips
I'm currently in the mood for pie, any kind will do, sweet or savory. Pastry is crucial to me, a nice, crumbly and warm crust that falls apart in your mouth- mmm. Also a dark, melancholy movie, mixed with themes of love and life. Foreign films will be a bonus- I find reading subtitles engaging.
I should put that in a print ad. Hello hello hello! A person paging for a friend (or stranger) who enjoys the above like she does. No experience necessary.
Sigh, I am a sad soul.
// Austen, love, if you are reading this, let me just ask you one thing:
Are you back in homeland already? You sound sad and troubled. And skinny? I think.
Hope to hear from you soon!
A quote from the history of love.
coffee with a stranger
I think it would be nice
to sit at the table by the window
and watch the people go by.
Then soak into the story in my hand
which paints a picture in my mind.
I'll have a coffee on the table
and it's not the regular black kind.
Then a stranger comes up,
and says: "Hey, can I join you?"
And he gestures to the empty seat facing me.
And I give him a benign smile and nod my head-
a simple, nonverbal answer.
So the stranger sits down and he opens his book and reads.
And I read too and not a word passes between us.
Externally, we may be two people sitting by the table
and people may wonder:
"How strange, did they fight?"
But no, in fact, we are more than happy.
Happy in our own little world of imagination
that the beloved author has created for us.
And so I reach Chapter V, where the girl meets the boy
and oh how lovely and unrealistic it is
that everything in the book just seems so easy for her.
To find her love, I mean.
I look up from my book in disgust,
and instead watch my stranger with keen curiosity.
I watch his eyes scan across the lines,
blinking only when necessarily.
His lips twitch occasionally,
and I realize he is reading a book with a sinister cover.
How interesting that my stranger
finds something so dark so humorous.
The more I watch my stranger, the more I take interest in the little things about him.
Amazingly enough, he is somehow oblivious to my stare,
and instead remains absorbed in his book.
Such an peculiar man, I think to myself.
But then I am forced to admit I enjoy the presence of strange people.
Finally, my stranger looks up
and he notices my rudeness and cracks a smile.
And he says: "I've got to go but it was nice meeting you."
And I nod like the silly school girl I am without uttering a single word.
And he says: "You don't talk much do you? Well I hope to see you again."
He leaves just like that and I watch him through the window.
And I sigh and a deep regret fills me,
and I wish and wish that I had said something.
Anything, anything! to start a conversation with my stranger.
And I notice a small scrap of paper on the table,
and on it were a line of numbers.
lewis carrol will not be pleased.

Dear Mad Hatter,
Take me by my hand, and lead me through Wonderland!
Let me join your party, and let us be merry.
The Red Queen is harsh and rather mean, hard to please.
But I am sure that your syrupy words will soften her almost instantly,
And we shall have her tarts for tea.
So many sweet things, luckily diabetes hardly occurs in dreams.
And in the end, I wish I never had to leave Wonderland.
Shall we stay here forever?
Just you and me, and our company.
What nice tarts from the Queen of Heart.
- an excerpt from the mind of one not too far away.
I s'ppose all I'll ever do is write short stories to you?
Ah, how I long to do something more...shall we say productive?
Now that I have loads of free time on my hand.
Your dear writer is on Chapter 6 of her novel!
There's still 23,000 words left to be added
to this painstaking task of accomplishment.
Can one go mental from not doing anything productive?
I find this terribly frustrating as I have all these thoughts
up in my jumbled mind
but no way as to rearrange them neatly into words
that you may understand me.
I leave you now with model dreams.
Yes, I still long for that. I do.
Farewell, my friend.
I'll see you soon.
Jam tarts and candy floss!
Just something to feed your brain, a bit.
How 'bout some mint candy with a chocolate center?
They taste much better than mint filled chocolates, they do.
My horse will turn into a seahorse; my cat into a catfish

Oh! How the ocean flows
How it's waves crash magnificentlyagainst the large boulder rocks
Why do you keep me here?
I yearn to be set free!
I hide tender secrets
deep within me
of mythical creatures
with tails for legs
and tentacles- one, two and three
They drown me with incessant thoughts of
"Oh, I long to visit the land,"
Where they have skin instead of gills
and strange things such as hands
But I like it here, in this nice blue
where it's gloomy and cold
Be gone my child, I shall miss you so,
Oh! How the ocean flows.
A Boekbinder's Twisted Tale.

Tuesday's child is full of grace (a little stiff)
Wednesday's child is full of woe (whatever)
Thursday's child has far to go (get out)
Friday's child is kind and giving (sucker)
Saturday's child works hard for a living (overachiever)
But the child that was born on the Sabbath Day
Is blithe and bonny and good and gay
I'm so angry
and, oh, how I cried
Why, oh, why do I have to be
Wednesday's child?
Austen, I present you a storytelling song.
Pray, aren't you a Wednesday's Child?
Another one for Austen.
I s'ppose every time I read your blog,
See? That is what I admire about you.
it evokes a sense of longing in me.
A longing to write, a longing for the good things.
I imagined munching toast today.
A slice of wholemeal bread toasted crisp for 2.5 minutes,
the a heavenly spread of peanut butter
before I fold it along the middle and take a huge bite.
It pains me to admit that I am that hungry yes,
but I've only got 15? days to go.
And that's 25 days without lunch, mind you.
I've got another half hour to go before
I can put solids in my mouth.
Hush now stomach, you will soon be fed!
Ah, look at me, talking to one of my dear internal organs.
I must be loony, indeed.
Ain't long 'till we meet up again, dear one.
I don't think December's that far away.
But for now I bid you adieu,
and I quote you:
Suddenly, (I) just want a hug. One that squeezes out the breath of me and crushes my ribs.
See? That is what I admire about you.
the hermit

I enjoy reading Austen's writings.
The living Austen, that is.
How are you faring? Is school treating you kind?
I myself am wasting my life away.
The Hermit
I feel so tiny in this small shell.
I was forced to seek refuge in this carbon copy of a home
as my family are all gone.
Gone, gone
the nets took them away.
Scary things, these nets are.
They plunge deep into my world
and just like that,
everything I once knew and loved is gone.
They took my old home too,
but fortunately I had managed to wriggle out of before they got me.
Those cruel, savage beasts!
I curse you and your creator.
I curse you and your creator...
Now I am all alone in this dark and gloomy place.
Foreign fishes swim past; the octopus just gave me a strange stare.
Somehow I think that maybe it is better if I gone with the net after all.
Austen, the dearly missed

your post made me happy elated indeed!
I am inspired to dedicate a long and meaningful post to you
but I am uncertain of how well I shall fair.
Let's just see how it goes.
You string you words together magnificently,
using words that are not too common but yet not to deep
for me to fill the need to refer to the dictionary.
How you ponder about the daily ongoings of life,
brilliantly transferring thought to sentences on paper.
See that photo up there? It reminds me of our plans to travel
to see sights and places in person and not from the little idiot box.
And also to bake, bake, bake! up a fantastic cake
or just experiment with cocktails to design our secret concoction.
I am in the mood to travel to far away places,
to immerse myself in the culture and see the historical sights.
And also ponder the puzzling art of the foreign and strange.
Will you join me on this fair journey?
I miss you dearly. Take care.
Forever and almost always, Shakespeare. (how ironic, isn't it?)
P.S. This is for you. I hope the photos brighten your day just as it did mine. Austen Package
Helly goes off for good.

No, not permanently, but I will be gone for a few months,
due to a project I recently decided to take up- writing.
I have decided to take part
in the annual NaNoWriMo challenge.
Now you didn't really think I'd be posting a Twitter link, now did you?
I might post teeny updates and maybe bric-a-brac snipets
here and there. No promises.
See you in a few months!
Mr Candy Apples- the story that took forever to finish.

I smiled as nicely as I possibly could and shook his hand.
It was a Saturday afternoon and I was in a hospital.
My ever so loving mother had conveniently volunteered me
to help out in The Last Wish campaign, where
volunteers would come in and help dying patients fulfill their final wish.
Be it a new console game, a trip to Spain, or even a special outing with the family,
volunteers pledge to make their patient's wishes come true as far as possible.
Archie was my "Patient of the Day" ,
and he looked nothing like the famous comic book redhead.
Blessed with a light head of blonde locks instead,
his hair fell neatly around his face, a feature complementing his eyes.
There was something distinct about those eyes of his,
but I paid no notice to them, wanting to get this over and done with.
I had an English paper due next week
where I had to write about someone who inspired me,
yet, here I was, wasting time in this silly place.
Archie's last wish was something so surprisingly simple- a day out in the open.
I thanked the Lord silently as that would cost me merely nothing but time.
I wheeled Archie into the elevator and pressed the button.
As the elevator descended down, I let myself drift in thoughts,
mostly angry ones harbored against my mother.
"Where is it?"
"Huh?" I asked, slightly confused.
"Where are you taking me?" asked Archie.
I paused. "Well...where would you like to go first?"
"Well...the park. If you don't mind." he replied.
The elevator dinged in unison as I wheeled Archie out.
The hospital was located in front of Central Park, and there were strips of
dainty cafés and restaurants along the route surrounding the park.
I decided to take Archie to lunch, mainly because I was hungry.
Vogue had always taught its readers to never ever skip one of the most important meals of the day and I for one was not going to break that rule.
"Are we not going to the park? " asked Archie.
"I think lunch would be a better idea." I replied firmly.
"The park. Please,"
"No." I said flatly.
I couldn't care less about how much of a bitch Archie might've thought I was
but he could go to his silly little park later.
There was a café that I frequented often and so I decided to bring Archie there.
The waiter came and gave us our menus and left us to decide on our meals.
"So, Archie," I asked. "What would you like to have?"
My question was left hanging in the air. Archie continued staring sadly at his menu,
his eyes refusing to meet mine.
"Archie," I tried again. "Just order something to eat first. We can go to the park later."
Slowly, he lifted his head. "Promise?"
"Yes, yes, I promise. Now order."
I watched the scenery outside while waiting for our food to be served.
I soon got bored and decided to get to know Archie better.
"So, Archie, tell me more about yourself."
"What would you like to know about me?"
I thought of the countless questions buzzing in my head and try to pick one out.
"Urhm...what did you work as?" I asked.
"A food vendor." he replied nonchalantly.
"Any food in particular?"
No answer.
I wondered if he was still mad at me about the park thing. I sighed.
"What music do you listen to?" I asked, trying to change the topic.
He face lightened a little. "The good Oldies, some Jazz. Bossa Nova. Soul. A mix of here and there, " he said. "No country."
I was surprised. I began to have respect for the man.
Here was someone who clearly wasn't influenced by the pop culture of the 21st century.
We began confabulating into various subjects- books, food, views on life. Archie was certainly not who he seemed to be. Or maybe I judged him too soon. Our conversation soon ended as our food arrived.
"Grilled Chicken Breast with Lemon Herbs for the lady, and Surf and Turf for the man."
"Should you really be eating that?" I asked.
Archie simply replied with a shrug.
The waiter placed our meals on the table and we dug in.
The sound of the cutleries tapping against the porcelain plater then became
the conversation Archie and I had in silence.
It didn't take us long to finish our meals.
I called for the bill, paid for lunch and we left for the park.
The park was fairly crowded that day,
and it took awhile before Archie and I finally found an empty bench.
I sat down and took in my surroundings, breathing in the fresh summer's breeze.
I looked at Archie and realized why I had been intrigued by his eyes-
both of his eyes did not share the same color.
The left was a peaceful shade of blue; the right a harmonizing green.
Archie felt my stare and looked up, his eyes all teared up.
"Are...are you okay?" I asked, uncertain.
He wiped away his tears with the back of his hand.
"Do you know why I wanted to come to the park so badly?"
"No," I replied. "Why?"
"I used to come here daily, selling candy apples to make a living. Everyday I watch life different people come and go through the park, each with a unique story to tell. The children, the families, the little birds that sing- they are my family, and this is my home."
His tears were now flowing down his cheek, and he sniffed a little as he continued:
"When I found out I was going to die, reality struck me. I have no family and friends, and I was going to leave this world like I didn't even exist. I was admitted into the hospital 2 years ago, and I never saw the park since. But now, being here, it brings back the nostalgia I missed so dearly. This park... this place, is the only thing I have left, the life it holds, the memories and feelings, everything in it...this is my last time being here. This...this is my goodbye."
Archie broke down all at once, his shoulders shrugging each time he inhaled.
My mind raced through with words of comfort and support,
but I had nothing in me even relatable to what he was going through.
Here sat a man who had nothing left but his life that he holds so dear,
and then there was me, the consistently whiny cosset girl,
who counted her troubles and took her blessings for granted.
A raspy cough got my attention and I noticed Archie hunched over,his face twisted in pain, his breathing getting louder and harsher.
I dismissed my thoughts and rushed him to the hospital as fast as my legs could carry me.
A solid half-hour had passed before I was allowed into Archie's room.
As I walked into the room, a sad sight greeted me.
There were about half a dozen tubes connected to his body,
some of which were plugged into large machines.
A low hum filled the air,
accompanied with the constant beep from the heart-monitoring machine.
Archie put on a weak smile, and beckoned me to a chair next to the bed.
"How are you feeling?" I asked.
"Much, much better," he chuckled. "Surprisingly."
He took a deep breath and continued. " A day back to the park was all I need before I leave this place. You may think your efforts were merely small, but they mean a lot to me." He paused.
My eyes began to tear up, and I sniffed in deeply to try to prevent them from falling.
"You are the only person who has truly shown me kindness in my life, and I thank you graciously. I can leave this world contented now, having met someone like you and spending my last moments in the place I call home. I wish you, my dear, a happy life."
Archie ended with a smile, slowly but surely fading away.
I let my tears fall freely as the constant beat from the heart-monitoring machine gradually turned into a long nonstop flatline.
I left the hospital, already missing the friend I had just gained- and lost.
Who would have known a day out would have been so eventful?
As I headed home, I reminded myself to thank my mother
as I had owe it to her for finding a suitable topic for my assignment- Archie.
sad speck.
I realize I blog more often when I feel down.
No elated posts about how wonderful my life is
but more sulky and unappreciative posts about my life.
Halfway through my thoughts a speck of disappointment
crept through, interrupting the ongoing stream of consciousness.
Every nerve in me went downwards from then,
the tips of my smile curved downwards.
I don't know how it's possible for me to switch moods so often like this.
It's not doing any part of me any good.
I feel like doing many things now, mainly watch a Disney Classic.
I also owe you a nice story but I will only post when it's satisfactorily written.
"I care for you deeply, but never more than I care for myself."

Perhaps, people would understand each other better,
and feelings would be expressed meaningfully.
But if I were to tell you exactly how I felt,
word for word, for each emotion seeping through my veins-
"You are beautiful, you are the speck that floats around in my mind all day, the only one I don't ever want to rid of. A word from you lightens my day, lifts my spirits and sorrows, but of course, in the metaphorical way. I hope some day we'll be like the people in the photos, the ones that interlace their fingers and lie in beds with skin to skin, thoughts adrift and afar. You are lovely. I plan to marry you someday."
- would that be just too much for you to take?
So maybe, we were created just perfectly imperfect,
with tongue twisters and stumbled words,
because all our fragile, old minds can take is:
"I, urhm, like, wait, no, want, uhrm, to, like...you?"
tit for tat.

I hope you have not deserted me as I have to you.
It has been 5 days since I've officially turned a year older,
and yes, the presents are still pending from you.
Hugs and kisses I owe you plenty,
and also some updates about this nonsensical life.
I have watched Misfits and love it. The plot, characters and definitely the accents. Lauren Socha is rockin' the chav, and Robert Sheehan is the reason why I added 'curly hair guys' to the list. Iwan Rheon is so awkward and lovely. And marble white. This series is probably the best I have watched so far, in terms of entertainment and authenticity.
Since my last update, about a month? ago, I have been spending my computer time on Nancy Drew, the animated computer game series. Highly addictive, I must tell you. And quite educational, too. Although, I must say, I never quite fancied Nancy's voice.
I have been wondering through life so far, still searching for the actual person I am and want to be. I have to be silly and upset over small things sometimes, so please bear with me.
The Village Pet Store and Charcoal Grill
Banksy's unique little pet store like no other .
In other windows, things get a bit more bizarre.
McDonald's Chicken McNuggets sip barbecue sauce. A rabbit puts on her makeup. A CCTV camera nurtures its young.
Clearly, that this isn't your typical pet store.
So who's the "owner" of the Village Pet Store and Charcoal Grill at 89 West 7th Avenue?
Banksy. (Read more)

While New Yorkers have been consumed by the stock market meltdown, a tiny little pet store quietly opened four days ago at 89 7th Avenue between West 4th and Bleeker Street in the West Village of New York City.
There are no puppies or kittens in the windows here.
Instead, a live leopard lounges on a tree in the window.
Or is it?
There are no puppies or kittens in the windows here.
Instead, a live leopard lounges on a tree in the window.
Or is it?

In other windows, things get a bit more bizarre.
McDonald's Chicken McNuggets sip barbecue sauce. A rabbit puts on her makeup. A CCTV camera nurtures its young.

Clearly, that this isn't your typical pet store.
So who's the "owner" of the Village Pet Store and Charcoal Grill at 89 West 7th Avenue?
Banksy. (Read more)
Someone please take me to New York now.
Banksy, my Mr. One-of-a-Kind.
I honestly wish I was more articulate to be able to describe Banksy a whole lot better,
but I suppose I shall just leave that to Wikipedia.
Take care, beautiful.
Do you notice it rarely never rains on Wednesday mornings?
Maybe the sky just has its perfect timing. Or that God just wants me to work out.
Thunder and lightning play violent games in the sky above,
while I lay here in the duvets. Thinking.
It started at 5 this morn' and it might just start again-
the violent games they play, I mean.
Oh why is today such a sad day?
I shall cheer myself up with a long read from Lucy Christopher's Stolen.
I apologize for this dull post,
with no available photos and lack of describable adjectives.
My beloved inanimate object is gone, and will be back in two days time.
No dirty thoughts about the comment above, please. It's a sentimental moment.
Take care.
Maybe the sky just has its perfect timing. Or that God just wants me to work out.
Thunder and lightning play violent games in the sky above,
while I lay here in the duvets. Thinking.
It started at 5 this morn' and it might just start again-
the violent games they play, I mean.
Oh why is today such a sad day?
I shall cheer myself up with a long read from Lucy Christopher's Stolen.
I apologize for this dull post,
with no available photos and lack of describable adjectives.
My beloved inanimate object is gone, and will be back in two days time.
No dirty thoughts about the comment above, please. It's a sentimental moment.
Take care.
"May I leave, please? I promise I'll come back. "
"You may go. I'll save you again when you get lost."
-excerpt from Stolen, as how I remember it to be.
Ty needs to stop making me cry.
A song by the president's wife

Il semble que quelqu'un ait convoqué l'espoir
Les rues sont des jardins, je danse sur les trottoirs
Il semble que mes bras soient devenus des ailes
Qu'Ã chaque instant qui vole je puisse toucher le ciel
Qu'Ã chaque instant qui passe je puisse manger le ciel
Les clochers sont penchés les arbres déraisonnent
Ils croulent sous les fleurs au plus roux de l'automne
La neige ne fond plus la pluie chante doucement
Et même les réverbères ont un air impatient
Et même les cailloux se donnent l'air important
Car je suis l'amoureuse, oui je suis l'amoureuse
Et je tiens dans me mains la seule de toutes les choses
Je suis l'amoureuse, je suis ton amoureuse
Et je chante pour toi la seule de toutes les choses
Qui vaille d'être là , qui vaille d'être lÃ
Le temps s'est arrêté, les heures sont volages
Les minutes frissonnent et l'ennui fait naufrage
Tout paraît inconnu tout croque sous la dent
Et le bruit du chagrin s'éloigne lentement
Et le bruit du passé se tait tout simplement
Oh, les murs chagent de pierres,
Le ciel change de nuages,
La vie change de manières et dansent les mirages
On a vu m'a-t-on dit le destin se montrer
Il avait mine de rien l'air de tout emporter
Il avait ton allure, ta façon de parler
Car je suis l'amoureuse, oui je suis l'amoureuse
Et je tiens dans me mains la seule de toutes les choses
Je suis l'amoureuse, je suis ton amoureuse
Et je chante pour toi la seule de toutes les choses
Qui vaille d'être là , qui vaille d'être lÃ
It seems someone conveid hope
Streets are gardens, I dance on the sidewalks
It seems my arms became wings
That in every moment that flies I can touch the sky
That in every moment that goes by I can eat the sky
The bell towers are tilted, the trees are in a nonsense
They collapse under the flowers on the most red of autumn
Snow doesn't melt anymore, rain is slowly singing
And even streetlights have an impatient sight
And even stones want to look important
Because I'm the lover, Yes I'm the lover
And I hold in my hands the only of all things
I'm the lover, I'm your lover
And I sing for you the only of all things
That needs to be here, that needs to be here
Time stopped, hours are changing
The minutes are freezing and the boredom makes wreck
Everything seems unknown, everything crunches under the teeth
And the noise of sorrow slowly goes away
And the noise of the past is just silent now
Oh, the walls change their stones
The sky changes his clouds
The life changes manners and dance mirages
It was seen was I told that destiny showed up
He looked like nothing, seemed to take everything
He got your look, your manner of speak
Because I'm the lover, Yes I'm the lover
And I hold in my hands the only of all things
I'm the lover, I'm your lover
And I sing for you the only of all things
That needs to be here, that needs to be here
The man with the balloons.

Deryk sat up and stretched his arms.
Nothing annoyed him more than being awaken from an unfinished slumber.
Dissatisfied, he got out of bed and slipped on his comfy bedroom slippers.
"Deryk darling, come now, I've made your favorite breakfast- eggs Benedict and honey soaked pancakes. "
Deryk smiled as soon as he heard those words.
His bubbly wife always knew what to say to cheer him up.
He headed to the showers, washed up and went to the kitchen for breakfast.
He greeted his loving wife with a kiss, and sat down to have his breakfast.
As he ate. he looked out the kitchen window and thought.
Life was terribly dull, and nothing had gone as planned.
His dreams of becoming a pilot only resulted in his daily 9 to 5 job.
Flying high was always his passion, but now he earned his living
stuck in a solid cubicle.
He reminiscence the days where he was a care free spirit,
and life was nothing but a vast unknown adventure that awaited him.
The sound from the television distracted his thoughts,
and his eyes drifted to the animated screen.
The television was showed a house carried by countless balloons,
floating up and down through the skies.
His wife, although mature on the outside,
never fully outgrown her childish side.
Down, or whatever direction it was called,
had always been one of her favorite movies.
It reminded her of the impossibilities in life;
the fact that mere balloons were able to lift a house into the sky
was already something both impossible and yet inspirational at the same time.
As he watched the movie, a small idea began to form in his mind,
growing and growing until it became something he had to do.
Deryk wolfed down his breakfast and headed to the closet.
A box of balloons were kept there, goodness knows why.
He took the box out, picked up a couple rubber balloons and blew into them,
filling them up with as much air as they could hold.
He headed to the kitchen window, with the balloons tied to a string looped through his hand.
Deryk placed his right foot out onto the ledge, and before placing his left,
he stretched out his free arm and grabbed onto his briefcase.
He starred out at the city, and clutched both objects in his hand tighter.
He thought about the good old days, the rebellious free spirit he once was.
"Let me see if I can defy logic," he thought.
If balloons could life a house, shouldn't he be able to fair the same?
Ignoring his frantically screaming wife,
and the outcomes of what he was about to do,
Deryk took a deep breath and jumped.
This was written two days ago.

"Ah, how silly and naive I was back then, to only care about such foolish things.
For my mind to be filled with anxiousness and anxiety over a flaw on my face" ?
There is a reason why the past is kept hidden.
2012 is a year away, do you think the Mayans might have been on to something?
Mother Nature unleashes her wrath continuously,
and souls leave Earth by the thousands.
Yes, I will admit- I am scared.
Afraid, terrified of what the future holds.
Will I graduate? Get married and have a job that I love?
Will I stop selfishly thinking of my own needs before others?
Will humans ever learn to love and accept each other for who they are?
The latter is, IMHO, the main problem with society.
We do not know how to love those that love us.
What if the world were to end tomorrow?
Would we want to leave the earth in this state of being?
With unresolved issues; unknown experiences.
Are you ready to leave earth as you are?
If I were to die today, I would be terribly upset over the fact
that I had spent my past living years studying.
What a waste of my precious life.
The Green Ribbon.

A Tale of a Tail That Once Was.

The glorious sun leans down to kiss the surface of the ocean goodbye.
I watch the evening sky set in, before the sun fully sets and the stars come out to play.
I watch this scene unfold before me as I sit perched on an uneven rock.
The coarse surface hurts my bottom, making me regret sitting here in my nakedness.
I glance down at my body once again,
paying more attention to the limbs that were under my hips.
I stretch my legs alternately, wiggling each of my tiny toes- a perfect ten in total.
This is something I will have to get used to.
I stand, slowly steadying myself.
And just when I think I have enough balance- I fall.
Gripping onto the corner of the rock for support, I slowly elevate myself once again,
not letting go off the rock for fear of falling.
I place my right foot forward, and when I'm confident; I place my left.
I leave the rock by repeating this process of movement; leaving a bloody trail behind me.
No, I wasn't injured; my body was free of impurities.
I was bleeding through my feet.
Witch Hazel had promised it wouldn't hurt-
all that would happen is just the splitting of my tail into legs.
I dreamed of having legs ever since listening to my Grandmother tell the story of Ariel-
the one who had gave up everything for nothing.
| Ariel was adventurous, and had seen the people above countless of times.
Of all the humans she has seen, one had particularly caught her eye.
He was a dashing young prince, who had still so much of the world yet to explore.
And on the day that she first saw him, she promised him his heart.
To meet her prince, she had to first get a pair of legs.
She went to Witch Hazel for help, and in return she gave up her voice.
She soon met her prince, and they both fell in love.
Unfortunately, not in the same way.
The prince was promised to his father to a princess of another kingdom,
and a wedding was soon held.
Ariel, the girl whom the prince loved as his own sister,
could take the pain no longer.
Given the choice to once again return to the ocean,
but only through the death of the prince's fiancee,
Ariel decided to take her own life instead.
Returning once again to the ocean in a different form. |
Ariel's story is a tragically sad one, I must admit.
Ever since Ariel's death, the idea of inter-marriage was no longer promoted.
But, I, however, am a strong believer of the impossible.
After all, if it is possible for a strange group species to move around on legs,
would it be any stranger to want to be like one of them?
I look down once again at my drippy feet.
Well, I suppose all transformations have their side effects,
a little loss of blood couldn't hurt too much, could it?
Looking around cautiously, I spot a large brown sack in a fishing boat nearby.
The sack, nice and warm, fit me smugly.
A tip I always remember was to cover myself up when in the presence of humans.
They detest nakedness- something which I find utterly bizarre.
I leave the beach and begin making my way to the row of houses located by the pier.
My family, friends and aquatic home all play their memories in my jumbled mind.
Tears begin to well up in my eyes but I stifle them, reminding myself of the reason I came here.
I walk up to a house, rap on the door, and greet the world with a smile.
My Sausage McMuffin Lover.
I'm sorry if my posts lack the charm they use to have.
Or I thought they used to have.
The sunlight seeped through my lazy eyelids, its radiant rays nagging me to wake.
I sat up and stretched my arms as I looked around the room.
The curtains that were drawn across the window are now tied up at the side,
as if someone wanted the sun to wake me.
On the bed is a tray, the bed-in-breakfast kind, to be exact.
A pile of toasted pancakes, drizzled with honey and covered with berries sat in the center of a plate, while a handful of delicious, red strawberries crowd in a tiny bowl on the tray.
A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice was there too,
a refreshing complement to my morning meal.
Amidst the delicious feast prepared, I noticed a folded piece of paper placed next to the plate.
I picked it up and read the note, my eyes scanning through the written sentiment.
A smile crept across my face as I thought lovingly of the writer.
I placed the note down and picked up my cutleries,
silently reminding myself to thank the writer once he got back from work.

Some may crave Ikea's Sweedish Meatballs, or Ben &Jerry's Ice-Cream,
But McDonald's Sausage McMuffin with Egg is the perfect breakfast burger for me,
not a burger I've tasted can ever compare with this.
Mmm...you are oh-so-mouth watering.
Switching gears...
I realize I splurge too much on books.
I have a stack of them, both own and borrowed, in my drawer,
patiently waiting to tell their stories.
I need to get my priorities straightened out.
"Love is love, if love can learn to love."
Roses are... (extracted from Chinese Defects)

She was about a hundred feet in front of him. Laughing cheerily, she continued talking on her cellphone, completely unaware of what was coming for her. Judging on what she was saying, she was on her way home to celebrate Valentine's Day with Henry, whom he supposes is her lover. Henry had everything planned out for them- specially prepared Valentine's dinner followed by a romantic evening of togetherness. A bouquet of red roses, red heart chocolates and other delights awaited her. With an "I love you, too.", she hung up. And that was when he decided to strike. Chasing after the victim this time had been slightly tricky; she had decided to go through the woods to escape her perpetrator. Nevertheless, the poor working lady had her heels on, and it wasn't long enough 'till he caught up with her. As like all his other victims, she put up a struggle before the last bit of breath escaped her. From then on it was easy.
He dragged her body and placed her comfortably in the boot of his car. His home wasn't far, just a couple of blocks down the road. Soon, it would be time to begin his masterpiece. He carried her body cautiously into his home, and placed her strategically against the white wall. He brought out his axe, recently sharpened, from the basement. Gripping the axe tightly with both of his hands, he swung his arms back and began. Slowly but surely, her insides began to splatter into a work of art.
He smiled at himself, thinking of what he had done. The working lady is his eighth piece of artwork, not the very best, but certainly not the worst. Her blood was his art, and her death was a mere small sacrifice to produce such an extravagant wonder. His house was now a museum, each room a canvas for his work. The past seven souls have gone on to a better place, and he felt that he had made their death worth it.
Slowly, his mind began to devise another plan. The next room to paint white, the next victim to strike. He wondered what Henry did that night.
One of my proud extracts, with all its grammatical errors and mistakes included.
"The living souls may dance."
Photos and words.

Murals on the walls and photographs pasted in lovely scrapbooks.
A cosy comfy armchair to curl up in with a novel,
a glass window to stare out at the world and watch people pass you by,
which comes with a satin curtain whenever you desire privacy.
Here we have chocolate chunks and ChaChas (or M&Ms)
mixed in a sticky batter of cookie dough.
Marshmallow and gummy bears may be added for extra delight, if desired.
Pop into the oven to produce freshly baked, sugar loaded tasty treats.
Now it would be awkward to have a romantic time in the bed
with all the fishes watching you.
Then again, why would one fall asleep with such a jaw-dropping view above you?
Instead of shining stars, you get swimming fishes.
A wish upon a fish, anyone?
A tea garden party now, you say?
This is lovely book art I wouldn't do this to my only paperback copy.
The imagination of Lewis Carroll on paper.
I found this smart thinking language game, which is quite enjoyable too. Click here to get wasted.
Honey badger, you fearless skunk-like animal. I salute you.
"I do hope my dreams won't come true. 'Cause if they do, so will my nightmares."
Valentine's: A Girl Who Reads

Find a girl who reads. You’ll know that she does because she will always have an unread book in her bag. She’s the one lovingly looking over the shelves in the bookstore, the one who quietly cries out when she finds the book she wants. You see the weird chick sniffing the pages of an old book in a second hand book shop? That’s the reader. They can never resist smelling the pages, especially when they are yellow.
She’s the girl reading while waiting in that coffee shop down the street. If you take a peek at her mug, the non-dairy creamer is floating on top because she’s kind of engrossed already. Lost in a world of the author’s making. Sit down. She might give you a glare, as most girls who read do not like to be interrupted. Ask her if she likes the book.
Buy her another cup of coffee.
Let her know what you really think of Murakami. See if she got through the first chapter of Fellowship. Understand that if she says she understood James Joyce’s Ulysses she’s just saying that to sound intelligent. Ask her if she loves Alice or she would like to be Alice.
It’s easy to date a girl who reads. Give her books for her birthday, for Christmas and for anniversaries. Give her the gift of words, in poetry, in song. Give her Neruda, Pound, Sexton, Cummings. Let her know that you understand that words are love. Understand that she knows the difference between books and reality but by god, she’s going to try to make her life a little like her favorite book. It will never be your fault if she does.
She has to give it a shot somehow.
Lie to her. If she understands syntax, she will understand your need to lie. Behind words are other things: motivation, value, nuance, dialogue. It will not be the end of the world.
Fail her. Because a girl who reads knows that failure always leads up to the climax. Because girls who understand that all things will come to end. That you can always write a sequel. That you can begin again and again and still be the hero. That life is meant to have a villain or two.
Why be frightened of everything that you are not? Girls who read understand that people, like characters, develop. Except in the Twilight series.
If you find a girl who reads, keep her close. When you find her up at 2 AM clutching a book to her chest and weeping, make her a cup of tea and hold her. You may lose her for a couple of hours but she will always come back to you. She’ll talk as if the characters in the book are real, because for a while, they always are.
You will propose on a hot air balloon. Or during a rock concert. Or very casually next time she’s sick. Over Skype.
You will smile so hard you will wonder why your heart hasn’t burst and bled out all over your chest yet. You will write the story of your lives, have kids with strange names and even stranger tastes. She will introduce your children to the Cat in the Hat and Aslan, maybe in the same day. You will walk the winters of your old age together and she will recite Keats under her breath while you shake the snow off your boots.
Date a girl who reads because you deserve it. You deserve a girl who can give you the most colorful life imaginable. If you can only give her monotony, and stale hours and half-baked proposals, then you’re better off alone. If you want the world and the worlds beyond it, date a girl who reads.
Or better yet, date a girl who writes.
-Rosemary Urquico, via Tumblr.
I hope this brightens your day, wherever you may be.
In the arms of a loved one or watching tv with a bucket of Ben & Jerry's on your lap.
Happy Valentine's.
Word analysis.

Theory sounds like an intelligent specimen. Someone who thinks she stands higher than the rest of us. Her wide frame glasses suits her studious personality, and so does that checked plaid skirt she likes to wear. She secretly likes heavy metal music, but that's a secret she will never tell.
Lazy fully describes its meaning. And its physical appearance suits it too. Sleeping is Lazy's favorite hobby, as well as starring into space and being clueless about what to do.
Crunchy is as nice as it sounds- either when you bite into something which produces the sound or when you just let the word crumble out of your mouth. Mmm, this puts me in the mood for a mint cookie.
Because is a convenient answer to a question, one that also leaves one in suspense. Because is mentioned with both of your lips touching, then ever so quickly separating away again.
Sex is the gorgeous three letter word. A word that may be offensive or attractive when used in different situations. God made two kinds in His image, both of which fit perfectly together in the name of love.
Beautiful is physically attractive. She is perfectly sculpted from head to toe. heights perfectly aligned. Long and lean in the middle, beautiful makes anyone happy when she is used to describe them.
//part two shall come soon.

Your glass will never empty, for I shall be your wine.
With this candle, I will light your way in the darkness,
With this ring I ask you to be mine.
It would be nice to look that beautiful when I'm dead.
Thank you, Burton, for more inspirations.
I have run out of ideas to keep you interested. Might as well get rid of it all.
PS. I'm about 1/4 done with Jane Eyre.
Eraser-Free Art Project I and Blue Cheese

Before & After
This is my latest collaborated project, an artwork yet to be given a name.
She is the second piece in The Eraser-Free Art Project, yes, please do take its name literally.
She is the second piece in The Eraser-Free Art Project, yes, please do take its name literally.
The theme was contributed by Ocean, inspirations plucked out from little places.
Somehow I tend to work well when filled with distress and sadness.
This may be the little positivity in things.
I do not know how to enlighten my writings.
Maybe I shall add a picture of cream cheese pie and you'll forgive me?
Or delicious melted, baked cheese and onions- of which I wrote a poem about.
The Walking Dead keeps me happy, a lovely plot to fill my night.
The zombies in the series, however, fail to impress.
//Friday, 8.32pm

Just thought about adding this intriguing piece of art here.
My dear friends, this is the one and only Blue Cheese (bleu cheese)
After all my 16 17 years, I've finally got to taste this.
Although unattractive on the outside, and not so pleasing on the first bite,
it leaves a nice afteraftertaste after a while.
Strong and powerful, all hail le mighty cheese.
Thank you, Maddie, for sharing this with me.
I am happy.

"What if your whole life was just a dream, and you are actually a baby imagining life in your mother's womb?"
I am painful, I am shy.
My relative is about to arrive any moment now.
Thus my insecurities and critical judgement skills.
I want to break out of this self-conscious shell and just be happy for who I am.
I have made an amazing discovery today,
my two friends are magicians in disguise.
They also pick locks, fly planes, shoot and speak French.
You have no idea how much I vomited rainbows. And unicorns.
Fruit smelled the XX's today, she picked up their lingering scent.
Though just a whiff, I find it amusing as she may just like the same things I do.
She's coming any moment now, I best leave you in peace.
Take me to the second star to the right, maybe life will be much fairer there.
P.S. Please do not judge me by this sad post. I will promise you better things. However, I am not one who is good at promises.
au revoir
Goodbye, goodbye.
Tis painfully sad to see two dear friends leave.
One, the beloved colour of '97.
The other, friendly abuser, who lives to torment me.
Though you're not to far away,
I dearly wish you'd stay.
Away to the underground land and another off to join the Kangaroo inhabitants.
I bid you farewell.
You left behind...
- a delicious, yet different jar of drop cookies
- a collage, as requested
- a sad, measly piece of paper with a meaningful note that will last me 'till April
Now all I've got is this photo to keep me company.

I shall paste your mural on my wall of writings and fame.
Our dreams and plans of Italy and Paris won't go to shame.
See you soon!
inamorata, paramour; My attractive attraction.

The fact I left my earphones at home (something which my lonely ears sadly regret)
made me decide to look outside the window and take mental notes.
I looked out the window and noticed a bored looking salesgirl.
She was chewing gum while carefully stripping the mannequin of it's out-of-season outfit.
"Poor mannequin," I thought. Does it feel no shame?
It's naked body now stands exposed behind the window pane exposed for all to see.
Body sculpted flawlessly and perfectly; curves a perfect ratio to the hips.
But inside's all empty and hollow, no emotions to be felt.
Ahh, poor mannequin, I pity you so.
You may be lovely, but you will never grow.
These are such pretty, just oh-so-wonderful sentiments
I would love, just love to receive.
Considering I never liked flowers as gifts to begin with.
Well, wrapped in score sheets- that just changes things.

packaged in creative, colourful envelopes such as these.
I saw these and I thought of you immediately.
Of you and your Oreo fetish.
I hope this inspires your innovative mind to make more Oreo creations,
just like the mini-Oreo keychain I got.
"Be strong. We all depend on you."
warm scented thoughts.

Bonjour, my darling.
How are you?
I baked with a lovely friend yesterday at 10.
We successfully managed to open a jar of honey
without the help of the three young lads next door.
Natalie Tran must be working my guns.
Winter and I talk non-stop about the mysterious opposite sex.
Of which I should add Spanish and Italian to the list.
It has been awhile since I laid eyes on such a nicely constructed face.
Thank you for the pick-me-up, lovely weather.
" It's true. I do love guys who have a nice scent around them. I'm sorry if this fact disturbs you."
Of the future him.

"... I wouldn't want a guy who is your everyday, boy-next-door kind. I want someone who may appear normal on the outside, but rather in-depth, different and unexpecting (in a good way) on the inside. He may have bizarre quirks but that's what I love most about him. He's a player only when it comes to sports and is an adorable geek as well. He gets lost in books and enjoys figuring out things that intrigue him (next to me). He likes to try innovative and fun ways to celebrate our memorable occasions, each celebration with its own sentimental theme in it. He enjoys travelling and is rather cultured on the mysterious, foreign wonders. He is the intelligent cognoscenti; someone who knows much about the unknown. There are many sides of him I have seen, some of which I have yet to uncover under his alluring facade. He is the patty to my Sausage McMuffin, the combination to my locker, the inspiration in my writings- the one I have yet to cross paths with. Somewhere out there, as I write this, he is going through his daily routine. He had yet to know that I exist. And when we do meet, and once we've fallen in love, I will tell him how much I love him. "
- Page III, Paragraph X.
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