“I like people with depth, I like people with emotion, I like people with a strong mind, an interesting mind, a twisted mind, and also someone that can make me smile.”
— | Abbey Lee Kershaw |
I am supposed to be writing my novel, but yet here I am blogging to the existence of the virtual world. Hello, world out there!
Things I've collected the past weeks:
- Interesting names (of one after a cold season; another of a girl from Charles Dickens' novel)
- Strange thoughts
- Face art tips
I'm currently in the mood for pie, any kind will do, sweet or savory. Pastry is crucial to me, a nice, crumbly and warm crust that falls apart in your mouth- mmm. Also a dark, melancholy movie, mixed with themes of love and life. Foreign films will be a bonus- I find reading subtitles engaging.
I should put that in a print ad. Hello hello hello! A person paging for a friend (or stranger) who enjoys the above like she does. No experience necessary.
Sigh, I am a sad soul.
// Austen, love, if you are reading this, let me just ask you one thing:
Are you back in homeland already? You sound sad and troubled. And skinny? I think.
Hope to hear from you soon!