the last of this year.

When it's only a day away, I should be saying
Goodbye childhood, goodbye dreams.
And soon somebody will be sitting behind the wheel.
"Debonair, my darling Claire. I do not want to leave my hopes behind."
All shall be lost and forgotten, never to see sunlight again.

This is us, in NYC (I think), strolling along the streets, chilling all day
and working as bartenders all night.
That isn't really my dream job, but definitely makes my 'To-Do-Before-I-Die" list.

I want to watch Disney Princess movies again, to bring back the sweet feeling of nostalgia.
You had no idea how much I hyperventilated when I realized Disney was showing Beauty & the Beast.
Belle is always my favorite, probably 'cause I'm much of a bookworm like her.
I must say however, Beast attracts me much more than Prince Charming does.

If I ever kept a journal and wrote in it like I blog, I would be putting the murder of trees to waste.
Farewell nightingale, sleep tight.
I hope to see you and your red curls soon in the near future.
Make it something for me to anticipate for in '11.

" You must tell them. They deserve the right to know!"

A bittersweet Christmas special; let's go back to 1800s.

London, England.

My thoughts are too crowded in my head, I feel that I must put them down on paper in ink.
The climate here is terribly chilly, the tip of my nose is bitterly cold from the frosty weather.
I sniffle as I write, rather unladylike- which is something my dear mother would heavily disapprove of. Here I sit, under the wise, oak tree- my dear faithful friend, as I write. My dearest sisters are busily socializing, Jane with Bingley, Lydia with Mr.Wickham, whom, we are still learning to warmly welcome into our family.

To be honest, dear journal, I am terribly upset about society lately. No one seems to know the true meaning of Christmas anymore! The birth of the beloved one, the All Almighty! has all slipped their minds. Meretricious things such as hierarchy and approval of society has become the highlight of Christmas day now, the story of the shepherds and the three wise men bring no relevance whatsoever.

I grieve to say, that I, too, am guilty of this horrible sin. No matter how much I set my goal on reading a few pages of the Holy book each day, it tends to slip my mi-

Mr. Darcy just walked by. Again. He has been loitering around these days, where ever I might be. When ever my family and I attend social events (courtesy of my mother, who never fails to gets us invited), I notice Mr.Darcy hanging back behind the crowd. Maybe he is afraid to approach me? That is what my sisters seem to think. I will only admit this to you, dearest journal- I think I may have a slight attraction to Mr.Darcy! He may be cruel and deceiving in his own subtle ways, but I sense somewhat tension, when we converse. Not that we have been confabulating often, that is. A man like him is not worthy of my grace.

I shall stop here now, my love. Mother is calling for dinner. She had some 'seating arrangements' done, oh I do hope it is not Mr.Darcy and I again!

Farewell for now, forever yours- E.B.

et moi je t'aime un peu plus fort.

After a week of waking up earlier than usual,
I must say I'm certainly delighted to go back camping under the duvets 'till the late morn.

I will sing you feelings hidden in words,
I will play you happiness and anger on the black-and-white keys,
I will enclose the secrets deep inside me,
So that they may never see light again.

Christmas is weeks away,
out comes the coloured pens and paper,
baking tray and flour.
Creativity and time spent together written on paper,
of what camaraderie builds between two friends.

Red, green, white;
- your themed Christmas colours.
Instead of praying to your Father,
you choose to trust in the 'magic' 11:11 gives you.

I don't know how long I can stand here and give you smiley faces
when all you do is make me upset.
I suppose it's the raging hormones, or more of your lack of insensitivity.
I wonder how long I'll last.
We can count our days on our backs,
mark them off like they do in jail cells,
as we choose to either live, or die day by day.

Oreo, oreo, oreo,
feed me something tongue teasing and delicious.

" When we used to spend our time on Disney games. I still do that, actually. "