"Ah, how silly and naive I was back then, to only care about such foolish things.
For my mind to be filled with anxiousness and anxiety over a flaw on my face" ?
There is a reason why the past is kept hidden.
2012 is a year away, do you think the Mayans might have been on to something?
Mother Nature unleashes her wrath continuously,
and souls leave Earth by the thousands.
Yes, I will admit- I am scared.
Afraid, terrified of what the future holds.
Will I graduate? Get married and have a job that I love?
Will I stop selfishly thinking of my own needs before others?
Will humans ever learn to love and accept each other for who they are?
The latter is, IMHO, the main problem with society.
We do not know how to love those that love us.
What if the world were to end tomorrow?
Would we want to leave the earth in this state of being?
With unresolved issues; unknown experiences.
Are you ready to leave earth as you are?
If I were to die today, I would be terribly upset over the fact
that I had spent my past living years studying.
What a waste of my precious life.