Dear Mad Hatter,
Take me by my hand, and lead me through Wonderland!
Let me join your party, and let us be merry.
The Red Queen is harsh and rather mean, hard to please.
But I am sure that your syrupy words will soften her almost instantly,
And we shall have her tarts for tea.
So many sweet things, luckily diabetes hardly occurs in dreams.
And in the end, I wish I never had to leave Wonderland.
Shall we stay here forever?
Just you and me, and our company.
What nice tarts from the Queen of Heart.
- an excerpt from the mind of one not too far away.
I s'ppose all I'll ever do is write short stories to you?
Ah, how I long to do something more...shall we say productive?
Now that I have loads of free time on my hand.
Your dear writer is on Chapter 6 of her novel!
There's still 23,000 words left to be added
to this painstaking task of accomplishment.
Can one go mental from not doing anything productive?
I find this terribly frustrating as I have all these thoughts
up in my jumbled mind
but no way as to rearrange them neatly into words
that you may understand me.
I leave you now with model dreams.
Yes, I still long for that. I do.
Farewell, my friend.
I'll see you soon.
Jam tarts and candy floss!
Just something to feed your brain, a bit.
How 'bout some mint candy with a chocolate center?
They taste much better than mint filled chocolates, they do.