I enjoy reading Austen's writings.
The living Austen, that is.
How are you faring? Is school treating you kind?
I myself am wasting my life away.
The Hermit
I feel so tiny in this small shell.
I was forced to seek refuge in this carbon copy of a home
as my family are all gone.
Gone, gone
the nets took them away.
Scary things, these nets are.
They plunge deep into my world
and just like that,
everything I once knew and loved is gone.
They took my old home too,
but fortunately I had managed to wriggle out of before they got me.
Those cruel, savage beasts!
I curse you and your creator.
I curse you and your creator...
Now I am all alone in this dark and gloomy place.
Foreign fishes swim past; the octopus just gave me a strange stare.
Somehow I think that maybe it is better if I gone with the net after all.