Excerpt from Pigwidgeon's, because I think it complements my blog.

i like to write about things i don't understand, like love and loss. i like writing about gay people. i like writing about straight people. i like writing in the perspective of boys, and i like writing in the perspective of girls. i like writing in multiple perspectives.

i like to write soft-spoken, gentle characters but sometimes i foray into the minds of the rowdy. after a while, though, it stops mattering because the lines begin to blur and suddenly all my characters sound the same.

i like to use dependent clauses, and adverbs after synonyms of 'said'. i like to use ellipses. i like to ramble and contradict myself all in one paragraph.

i like writing. and i hope that i'm slowly making progress.

I have deep respect for one who writes well.
Be it par or better than he/she speaks,
a person with a good command of words will always stop me in my steps.
Like the quiet and socially awkward girl who hangs in the background,
she will amaze you with her rants and cries she posts onto the virtual world.
Her words, oh her words and how she strings them along to make this
beautiful and yet captivating piece of jewellery to adorn the literary world.

Nothing is more satisfying than producing a nice piece of writing where I have successfully,
in my own words, articulated myself.
I shall leave you with that and this question to ponder:
"How does one feel in love, but yet not have anyone to love?"