count them slowly.

I think there's something wrong with reality.
People complain too much, life's too chaotic.
And the word 'complicated' is really starting to bug me.

Honestly speaking, if there wasn't so much pressure on external beauty,
the world would be a much nicer place to live in.

I am going to sleep to dream of more peaceful things.
Hope to see you there!

- take a deep breath, and jump.

over the moan.

Escapism; Reality.

I feel immense joy and I don't know why.
It's strange considering my breakdown yesterday.
And no, it's not my Aunt Flo, however relevant that might seem to you.

I'm happy ecstatic elated.
And hopefully my mood stays this way for awhile.

Keynes, Callaghan, Carter, Lerman, Bennett.
Did you figure out why?

- they don't get enough.

another gross one.

I saw her flirting across the room
making her way to this guy
All it took was on look,
She definitely caught his eye.

Slowly, one became two
They intertwine, oh, tender fingers so sweet.
And they did things which they shouldn't.

Woke up one morning to find that she's gone,
Cleared her clothes and make-up,
And all them things she used to dress up.
Love letters left on his coffee table,
some torn, some shredded, mostly- burnt.

I watch her break his pitiful heart,
that vulnerable little piece of his system
The one thing he gave up, mostly devoted to her.
Now even glue won't fix it.

So on goes the vixen,
that oh-so femme fatale,
On to her next victim,
to find another heart to eat.

lady in red.

Paint the walls dry, they cry.
Oh so soundly, she sleeps,
The way she walks so slender,
makes grown men cry.

And with those piercing eyes,
with her deliciously malicious intentions.
She'll rip your heart out.

Songs that make me cry have been absent in my life for awhile,
and now, the kind souls have made their appearance.
With love, I wish to present you this beautiful song.
But fear prevents me so, for fear you may laugh and mock.

On my wall sticks those I love.
Currently of 5, in total.

My best friend told me she gave up on me 2 days ago.
Go figure.

- and so they say, the story goes.