Theory sounds like an intelligent specimen. Someone who thinks she stands higher than the rest of us. Her wide frame glasses suits her studious personality, and so does that checked plaid skirt she likes to wear. She secretly likes heavy metal music, but that's a secret she will never tell.
Lazy fully describes its meaning. And its physical appearance suits it too. Sleeping is Lazy's favorite hobby, as well as starring into space and being clueless about what to do.
Crunchy is as nice as it sounds- either when you bite into something which produces the sound or when you just let the word crumble out of your mouth. Mmm, this puts me in the mood for a mint cookie.
Because is a convenient answer to a question, one that also leaves one in suspense. Because is mentioned with both of your lips touching, then ever so quickly separating away again.
Sex is the gorgeous three letter word. A word that may be offensive or attractive when used in different situations. God made two kinds in His image, both of which fit perfectly together in the name of love.
Beautiful is physically attractive. She is perfectly sculpted from head to toe. heights perfectly aligned. Long and lean in the middle, beautiful makes anyone happy when she is used to describe them.
//part two shall come soon.