Deryk sat up and stretched his arms.
Nothing annoyed him more than being awaken from an unfinished slumber.
Dissatisfied, he got out of bed and slipped on his comfy bedroom slippers.
"Deryk darling, come now, I've made your favorite breakfast- eggs Benedict and honey soaked pancakes. "
Deryk smiled as soon as he heard those words.
His bubbly wife always knew what to say to cheer him up.
He headed to the showers, washed up and went to the kitchen for breakfast.
He greeted his loving wife with a kiss, and sat down to have his breakfast.
As he ate. he looked out the kitchen window and thought.
Life was terribly dull, and nothing had gone as planned.
His dreams of becoming a pilot only resulted in his daily 9 to 5 job.
Flying high was always his passion, but now he earned his living
stuck in a solid cubicle.
He reminiscence the days where he was a care free spirit,
and life was nothing but a vast unknown adventure that awaited him.
The sound from the television distracted his thoughts,
and his eyes drifted to the animated screen.
The television was showed a house carried by countless balloons,
floating up and down through the skies.
His wife, although mature on the outside,
never fully outgrown her childish side.
Down, or whatever direction it was called,
had always been one of her favorite movies.
It reminded her of the impossibilities in life;
the fact that mere balloons were able to lift a house into the sky
was already something both impossible and yet inspirational at the same time.
As he watched the movie, a small idea began to form in his mind,
growing and growing until it became something he had to do.
Deryk wolfed down his breakfast and headed to the closet.
A box of balloons were kept there, goodness knows why.
He took the box out, picked up a couple rubber balloons and blew into them,
filling them up with as much air as they could hold.
He headed to the kitchen window, with the balloons tied to a string looped through his hand.
Deryk placed his right foot out onto the ledge, and before placing his left,
he stretched out his free arm and grabbed onto his briefcase.
He starred out at the city, and clutched both objects in his hand tighter.
He thought about the good old days, the rebellious free spirit he once was.
"Let me see if I can defy logic," he thought.
If balloons could life a house, shouldn't he be able to fair the same?
Ignoring his frantically screaming wife,
and the outcomes of what he was about to do,
Deryk took a deep breath and jumped.