The fact I left my earphones at home (something which my lonely ears sadly regret)
made me decide to look outside the window and take mental notes.
I looked out the window and noticed a bored looking salesgirl.
She was chewing gum while carefully stripping the mannequin of it's out-of-season outfit.
"Poor mannequin," I thought. Does it feel no shame?
It's naked body now stands exposed behind the window pane exposed for all to see.
Body sculpted flawlessly and perfectly; curves a perfect ratio to the hips.
But inside's all empty and hollow, no emotions to be felt.
Ahh, poor mannequin, I pity you so.
You may be lovely, but you will never grow.
These are such pretty, just oh-so-wonderful sentiments
I would love, just love to receive.
Considering I never liked flowers as gifts to begin with.
Well, wrapped in score sheets- that just changes things.

packaged in creative, colourful envelopes such as these.
I saw these and I thought of you immediately.
Of you and your Oreo fetish.
I hope this inspires your innovative mind to make more Oreo creations,
just like the mini-Oreo keychain I got.
"Be strong. We all depend on you."