This is for Ocean, who is stuck sinking into this
depressingly painful lack of interest, nay, motivation
to continue living this daily cycle over and over and over again.
This is where I can actually see us being right now,
all murderously taxing responsibilities brushed off our tired shoulders
and just sitting by the bank talking about endless things
we've forgot to talk about;
snacking on delish crunchies and swearing to burn it off on the run later.
I am so done with college.
My soul is despairingly dead and
I feel all my artistic drive and passion for all things
beautiful and inspirational and just mind shockingly fantastic
slowly drain and seep out of my pores
and any other exit points that leads
the tiny parts of me out of my body.
I am a large fabric of delicate skin
slowly decaying on a frame of calcium.
I am allowing myself to be eaten
by the abstract monster of society-
the very thing I vehemently opposed to in the first place.
If this does not stop soon, I'll soon become one of them.
The collared, slave driven, sleep-deprived zombies.
I can't explain the way I feel right now;
well not at once, at first.
Even if you greet me the next day I don't think I could explain
how I feel on the inside.
I am dying.