O when the cruel, mocking sun sinks ever so peacefully
down beyond the everlasting line-
only then can the nightingale of the sky
no longer hidden behind the misty clouds
but bright and everlasting to cast down
her nocturnal smile on us.
'till dawn breaks, that is.
I want to move you like the waves move the ocean
and no matter how much you push me away
I'll always come running back to you.
Your strangeness will always be so tempting;
so luscious, so divine, so addicting.
So much to the fact I know that you are bad for me-
that you, in your nature, will break me, crush me,
and the voice in my head warns me that you will destroy me.
But as usual, I choose to ignore it-
because you, my water, my stream, my river-
my ocean o so deep
with your secrets buried deep underneath-
that is where you hide your deepest fears-
that is where you hide all your haunting beauty and your mystery-
that is where I will choose to drown-
that is where I will choose to die-
engulfed and covered completely
in everything in its essence that is you, entirely;
until I forget all that I am.
Until I am no more.
on a side note, I want to imprint into my memory
the look and yearning that Levitt-Chu had on his face
when he made a song about fornication
sound like a graceful 18th century poem.
Please remember how that made you smile, albeit a bit.