A small note to the Wandering One Many Years Away:
This is just me, reminding you, that you once- and maybe still- had a great fascination for Ezra. Let me remind you that it was not an obsession filled with lust, but more of a great admiration for his skills and the way he wore himself publicly. And oh! I think you were most definitely captured by that one word he used to describe himself. Queer. Yes, yes, indeed I must say that was indeed that defining moment. Where you felt a surge of warmth of finding someone, albeit someone miles away, who found himself peculiar and strangely different too. Oh, and you also wondered what it would be like to have a conversation with him.
I suppose this had also stemmed from the fact your soul was still searching for deep mutual understanding.
Take care and I hope you are well.
And I hope that you actually get to read this.