It's been about three weeks now, I think.
And I breathe movies.
Oh how can I possibly explain this phenomenon without sounding nonsensical?
I've been searching up movies almost the entire time I'm online
and IMDB is currently my best virtual friend.
The only frustrating thing is finding subtitles with perfect timing.

My dearest Eli,
I love you even though you are strange. You are plain but yet so hauntingly beautiful. Your allure captivates me and I love you although you feast on that of which is thicker than water. I love you for your strangeness. I love you for saving me. I love you although you are not a she.
X.O- Oskar
I hope to find someone who will want to watch this movie.
Someone who will want to try and understand why a peculiar girl could find such joy,
and dare I say it- serenity- watching a movie where
punches and jeers stings, and blood abounds.
I hope this Friday finds you well.
I hope this Friday finds you well.