So two high points to note in my Nerd Galactica.
And yes, both had to do with my academic performance.
The first had occurred a week before;
it was a lovely light in my dull, somewhat still mood.
I was happy, I was.
But I didn't tell anyone. I didn't tell anyone until they asked.
Truth be told, when I thought about it,
I realized I didn't want to share this joy of mine,
I didn't want it to be out there in the open-
because I didn't want anyone (or anything) ruin it for me.
Most will offer felicitations- but there will be others
who might, and I use might (because I'd like to offer the benefit of the doubt),
say things which I might take to heart
and ruin this small Happy of mine.
And I'd like to keep this Happy. At least for awhile.
How often do I get to feel this way, I ask you?
Again, Austen had told me that happiness is by choice.
But this one was planted into me like a seed,
and I just wanted to dwell in that momentarily successfully achieved sense of elation
for as long as I could.
And it was good.
It was good and nice and made me think of all the nice things.
Yes, there are still some of us who take pride in our academic achievement.
And it was a very nice number to be proud of.
The second high point didn't bring much of an emotion-
I had envisioned myself crying, breaking down etc.
but a positive cry, of course.
But no, there was absolutely nothing.
I was devoid of emotion whatsoever, which was quite...
how should I put it- wasted-
on the occasion that could have resulted in another Happy.
I will just put it simply and say
that I am grateful to the Above,
and that everything is over.
I'm sorry if I've left you puzzled at this so called
'nightmare trip in life' subtly mentioned in my posts ever so often.
I don't see the point in telling it to the world
as it's a lot of work to do on my fingers
for such a small scale who would offer their ears.
I'll share the full story with you if you'd like-
but only if you'll listen.
Take care and I hope you find the weather well.