Visual Image

I have a face!
A mental image, so near- so close,
I can almost reach out and touch-
my fingers run down the soft curve
smoothly down to the lips-
and when I open my eyes-
it's gone.

It's so strange as I never have a clearly defined face
like I do now.
And oh! It feels me with so much joy-
dare I say it- I think I feel just a bit happy.
And it's a nice kind of happy.
To know what this person looks like.

But I must know how my subconscious conjured up this mental image.
How? Where?
Have I met this person before?
Is this person someone I know?
The questions bug me endlessly.

What if I do meet this person in the future?
How will I respond then?
Will I even tell- oh no, I cannot.