I don't know why it took me this long to plainly acknowledge this fact.
My life is simply constant. Or currently, at the moment, constant.
As in no change whatsoever, or nothing to update on.
Last time, I declared this to a dear friend,
Fate decided I was a whiny prick and gave me another exam to sit for (oh, the horror!).
Case in point, Austen and I were talking yesterday
and she told me she had not one, but several platonics.
And when she asked me the simple 'What's new with you' question,
I simply said 'Oh, nothing. You know me.'
Really. Really.
I am shaking my head at how disappointingly mundane I just made myself sound.
Maybe because I think a BIG thing that's worth sharing about has to be about
change in one's status, friends etc.
People tend to come up to me with new happenings in their life
and all I got is:
"Oh, what's new with me? Well, I updated my blog just yesterday."
I need to put more effort into answering this question.
Fate, if you are reading this,
please note I am not complaining about how dull my life is.
My life is not dull. Not at this point in time.
Most definitely not while I do not get to sleep in any longer.
So do not throw another obstacle in my way, please.
I am still recovering.