College assignments have left me lacking of creative writing juice.
Gah, even the sentence above lacks proper grammatical structure.
Oh I hope this is merely temporary.
I wanted to do a post on things I like;
things that please me aesthetically.
Oh, all the beautiful, the haunting, the admirable, the amazing,
the pleasing, the enchanting, queer things I like that make me me.
It would be such a pleasing post-
filled with descriptive phrases and complementing pictures.
Oh, if only.
The duplicated darlings were in the newspaper the other day!
Oh you have no idea how immensely but yet surprisingly cheerful I felt.
Simply to see a mere page dedicated to the dear redheads.
Why I find them attractive I cannot explain.
Strange how the human mind works, ain't it.
I'll see you soon- I promise not to abandon you.