Goodbye childhood, goodbye dreams.
And soon somebody will be sitting behind the wheel.
"Debonair, my darling Claire. I do not want to leave my hopes behind."
If I ever kept a journal and wrote in it like I blog, I would be putting the murder of trees to waste.
All shall be lost and forgotten, never to see sunlight again.
This is us, in NYC (I think), strolling along the streets, chilling all day
and working as bartenders all night.
That isn't really my dream job, but definitely makes my 'To-Do-Before-I-Die" list.
I want to watch Disney Princess movies again, to bring back the sweet feeling of nostalgia.
You had no idea how much I hyperventilated when I realized Disney was showing Beauty & the Beast.
Belle is always my favorite, probably 'cause I'm much of a bookworm like her.
I must say however, Beast attracts me much more than Prince Charming does.

Farewell nightingale, sleep tight.
I hope to see you and your red curls soon in the near future.
Make it something for me to anticipate for in '11.
" You must tell them. They deserve the right to know!"