After a week of waking up earlier than usual,
I must say I'm certainly delighted to go back camping under the duvets 'till the late morn.
I will sing you feelings hidden in words,
I will play you happiness and anger on the black-and-white keys,
I will enclose the secrets deep inside me,
So that they may never see light again.
Christmas is weeks away,
out comes the coloured pens and paper,
baking tray and flour.
Creativity and time spent together written on paper,
of what camaraderie builds between two friends.
Red, green, white;
- your themed Christmas colours.
Instead of praying to your Father,
you choose to trust in the 'magic' 11:11 gives you.
I don't know how long I can stand here and give you smiley faces
when all you do is make me upset.
I suppose it's the raging hormones, or more of your lack of insensitivity.
I wonder how long I'll last.
We can count our days on our backs,
mark them off like they do in jail cells,
as we choose to either live, or die day by day.
Oreo, oreo, oreo,
feed me something tongue teasing and delicious.
" When we used to spend our time on Disney games. I still do that, actually. "