I would assume- after much cogitation and deliberation -that my tendency to shy away from the others around me would stem- conversely and ironically enough- from the sole fact that I am lonely.
Silly child, you may chide.
There are so many around you-
simply pick one and strike up a conversation!
However plain and straightforward the aforementioned suggestion may be,
a thought in me seems to express the fact
that I long for an individual of complementary frequencies-
both in thought and perhaps, if it's not too much to ask- interests.
Ah, now you see the dilemma.
A queer oddity who finds such small joy
in peculiar, unorthodox and occasionally morbid subjects
makes friends the same way the others would.
But most of the time the camaraderie
is only transient; surface.
Only after completing the series of
general social exchanges and trading basic personal information
does the oddity find, albeit once in awhile,
another strange soul with perks and quirks.
And everyone, even the others,
know the great, albeit small, surge of delight
when stumbling upon another whom,
amazingly enough,
was created strangely just as you.