"That sly and seductive smile, sir, has won you the key to my chastity belt."
I don't think my emotional well being can take two Jane Austen inspired works in a day.
I simply cannot.
I devoured The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen by Syrie James
and the day was then proceeded by Becoming Jane starring Anne and James as depicted above.
That, by far, is my favorite scene in the movie,
where Jane was dancing with a rather stone faced Mr. Wisley
and in a swift move Mr. Lefroy sweeps in with that devilishly coy smile of his-
Oh, so many emotions, I tell you.
Unfortunately, it filled me with much pain, so to say,
to see a highly distinguished individual such as Miss Austen herself,
be portrayed in modern day works
where her romantic ending never comes to be.
Two painfully sad endings in a day, I tell you.
I don't know why I torture myself.
But on the bright side, sad movies often bring about a catharsis in me.
And now while everyone around me seems to be shipping
a particular Fire Girl and Bread Boy into relationships,
I for one will proudly break the champagne bottle
for the shipping of Miss Austen and Mr. Lefroy.