"Close your eyes."
I saw them again. My parents, I mean. Two comic coloured cones sat on their heads and they beamed brightly at me. I felt small and young, then I noticed the banner behind them that screamed: Happy 10th Birthday! I did what was expected of me and poofed off the candles. Then I realized I forgot to wish. Aha! Maybe that's why I ended up where I am today.
It was dark for awhile and then a distorted scene became clear. Hmm...where have I seen this before...oh yes! Enid. Oh, lovely, pretty Enid Janice. Casually bending over to drink from the water fountain...I look away and blush, as it wasn't very gentlemanly of me to look up a girl's skirt. My 12 year old heart changed it rhythm like a playful drum and my hands began to sweat like they were paid to. I waved to Enid and she gave me this very weird look before skipping off to class. Sigh, I suppose junior high wasn't one of my best years.
"Now roll your eyes a bit."
Enid skipped out off my vision and made way for a new scene...with many flashing lights, I realized. Argh, no! Not...Senior Prom. Of course. Everyone is here dressed to the nines and Enid. Enid is here with effing baseball captain Wester. The same pain that numbed me decades ago hits me once again as I kick the wall in anger. Whatever. It's not like I came here with a date anyway. I came here as a waiter since money's gotta come in somehow after my parents died. I feel my eyes get wet and I bite my lip in anger. Why do I gotta make myself cry here. Now? Of all places? In front of the people whom I already have a hard time mixing with?
Well, at least I can find comfort in knowing this is one memory that I will definitely not miss.
"Ah, something bothering you? I s'ppose it's a bad memory. Here, have a tissue."
I wipe my eyes and a new scene unfolds before me...Enid! Wow, she looks gorgeous in that red little number... I catch myself staring where I'm not supposed to and look away. Hah, the good ol' days. I've just pulled up at her house and she looks at me expectantly. I feel nervous and hesitant again like I did when I was 20. Do I...do I not? Thank my lucky stars that Enid's an impatient one and she pulls me in and I close my eyes and there are fireworks. Damn, I was one corny son of a gun back then.
"Now this might just hurt a little bit."
As soon as the pain jabs in so does the next memory- I'm in a monkey suit at the altar. Confusion fills me...was I ever the best man for anyone before? Oh shoot, I realize as the congregation stands. It's my wedding. Idiot. I smack myself in the forehead and the priest throws me a strange look. Hot damn, does she look beautiful! But I sure wish she didn't have to wear that cake of muck on her face, I find myself thinking. Everything's mute around me as I find myself lost in thought. Enid, Enid, Enid! How on earth could I have not recognized this day! We exchange bands on our fingers and recite vows. I lift the veil and...
"Just a few more minutes."
...I unfold several years into the future. The sound of sizzling bacon makes my stomach happy and I return my darling wife a kind smile. There was something amiss in that flint in her eyes...but I just can't place it. Hmm, maybe that was the first sign. If only I could go back in time to warn my younger self...but no, we all know life doesn't work that way.
"Breathe rhythmically, please. One, two, three- inhale..."
The memory that I want to forget the most. Finally! I remember this day so clearly. I got a promotion at my white-collar job (finally!) and I was rushing home excitedly to tell Enid (oh, Enid) that we could go to the island that she wanted for our honeymoon (finally!). And I find myself feeling so sorry for my younger self as I rush into the house and...strange, she's not in the kitchen...and up to the bedroom...and oh! That sheer pain hits me again. There was Enid-not so lovely anymore Enid- in bed. With Wester.
"...and now one, two, three- exhale."
Everything was a washed up blur from then on. I s'ppose it's all the related memories being extracted just like the others. Lots of broken china, screaming, tears (I bet they were mine), isolation, divorce papers...oh well, I guess it's all for the best. Everything started churning and swimming together and my eyes were in a daze and-
"Open your eyes."
I lift my lids and find the cheerful mouth of the Extractor smiling back at me. "Now that wasn't so bad, wasn't it?" Yes, I have to agree it wasn't, as compared to the previous sessions.
I look to my left and see the familiar looking jar sitting humbly on the shelf, filled with various mist and swirls dancing lazily in the vacant space. I guess all the memories have to go somewhere.
"Now remember," said the Extractor as I stood to leave. "It'll take time before you finally forget everything, but be patient. Each session brings you closer to what you wish to achieve. And as I've said before- if you want to remember everything, all you have to do is break the jar."
Hah, I thought as I spread my palm in valediction. As if I would dare crack the jar. I promised myself I would never stop the sessions, not until every sad and painful part of my life is in that jar. Especially Enid.