your post made me happy elated indeed!
I am inspired to dedicate a long and meaningful post to you
but I am uncertain of how well I shall fair.
Let's just see how it goes.
You string you words together magnificently,
using words that are not too common but yet not to deep
for me to fill the need to refer to the dictionary.
How you ponder about the daily ongoings of life,
brilliantly transferring thought to sentences on paper.
See that photo up there? It reminds me of our plans to travel
to see sights and places in person and not from the little idiot box.
And also to bake, bake, bake! up a fantastic cake
or just experiment with cocktails to design our secret concoction.
I am in the mood to travel to far away places,
to immerse myself in the culture and see the historical sights.
And also ponder the puzzling art of the foreign and strange.
Will you join me on this fair journey?
I miss you dearly. Take care.
Forever and almost always, Shakespeare. (how ironic, isn't it?)
P.S. This is for you. I hope the photos brighten your day just as it did mine. Austen Package